Tuesday 20 February 2007

Pancakes and no squash = a very lean lent!

My apologies for the delay in posting, i have been rather busy with exams and work, but enough of the excuses.....

As you may or may not know today is pancake day (shove Tuesday) and i have achieved what i once thought impossible, i am actually pancaked out!!! ( I do hope my mother isn't reading this as she would go spare but...) Not only did i have them with the "hyperactive spider loving one" this morning (which in itself was a mistake as an argument ensued about the correct thickness of ones pancake) but i went to a pancake party tonight! On offer was a veritable feast including thick American style blueberry ones (with real blueberries in which popped and melted in the mouth) thin crepes with an option of lemon and sugar, nutella, maple syrup, grated choc, banana and many more. I am utterly stuffed and don't think i could face another pancake for a while! All in all a rather fabulous evening with delicious food drink and a surprisingly large amount of Beatles (the band not the insect!)

As previously promised a short update on my sporting prowess. After last time i was determined to get into the spirit of all things squash and try my best to be a good sports person. Sadly i am now 7th on the GSC league table and i think this speaks for itself! I tried my hardest and was assured that i had improved since last time (which to be fair wasn't difficult!), unfortunately i hadn't banked on everyone else getting better too and so with a new member who was also better than me ( not by a huge amount i hasten to add) i dropped down a place and am still at the bottom of the table. Not only did i have the hideous embarrassment of loosing yet again but i also managed to injure myself by hitting my hand with my racket and had a huge bruise on my leg for two weeks from when i was walking out of the gym and tripped up over a rowing machine. That was three weeks ago and due to exams and other commitments i haven't played since (at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) So as my title suggests, many pancakes and no squash is going to make for a very lean lent, I'm thinking dry bread and water.........or was it locusts and honey?


the other cold one said...

Arguments about the thickness of pancakes??? Get out a little more, and persuade the spider threesome Käyrätorvinsoittaja to do the same. (You'll need a Finnish translator...)

Infrequent Jogger said...

hmmmmmm the online finish translator didnt recognise that word!!!

the other cold one said...

Käyrätorvi - French horn, soittaja - player. They like long words! And if you happen to drag him out of his slumbers, tell him to blog something, anything, pleeeeeese! BTW I still have tendon problems from playing squash too enthusiastically 10 years ago. I also found that running into walls on a regular basis didn't appeal. BUT I know for a fact that I'd whip your flatmates nether regions, if he felt like a match, as I AM HIS BIGGEST BROTHER!!!

Anonymous said...

I made the pancakes this year!
From proper ingredients, not a mix!
Tell your wannabe chef brother to stick that up his...wait. If he was well, he'd have made them. But they were v v tasty!
Give u giving things up for Lent.
Me? I'm giving up red meat, whiskey and cigarettes. :)
xxxxx Jessica xxxxx

Infrequent Jogger said...

Now hold on a min miss Jessica, u're a veggy u dont like bourbon and u dont smoke so not really giving up much....... me well ive given up men.....now thats a sacrifice!!!!!!
oh and congrats on the real pancakes, i get the impression that u only got to make them cuz cj was ill, maybe he should be ill more often!?!?!??

Viking Longship said...

Bugger, did I miss out on Pankakes last Tuesday, probably something to do with a mountain chalet and a broken leg.

Just for the record, I would like to state that I am quite sure that I would whip both the hyperactive spider lover's and the Finnish music scholar's butts and any other bits for that matter, on a squash court, even if I am in the middle!?!?

Infrequent Jogger said...

you know i'm noticing a bit of a trend here!!! You guys are all somewhat competative!!! what happened to brotherly love and support? lol!

London Son said...

Post something.